Is Guest Of A Guest the most evil website of all time? A gossip site exclusively aimed at filthy-rich NYC A-list assholes.
If you live in a small town in the midwest with a water system fed by an elevated water tower, there’s a good chance your next glass of tap water will be full of bacteria and sediment. Plus this is a good reason to not live in Missouri.

Taser International has achieved something remarkable. It has subverted the Fourth Amendment, with the eager help of local police departments. Remember that your tax dollars are paying for this. Inevitably it will lead to a ruinous lawsuit.
A reporter was arrested for asking Secretary of Health Tom Price “rude questions”. And it was barely mentioned by the “mainstream media”. Because they are far more obsessed with trivial shit. IMO it’s literally amazing that journalists aren’t being gunned down in the streets of ‘Murica every day. Someday soon maybe we’ll finally reach that Brazil level of real chaos. You won’t like it.
And the TSA Shit Factory has now banned laptops on all flights from “certain countries”. Soon it will be a federal crime to take ANYTHING on a commercial flight. Imagine people being routinely stripped naked, cavity searched, and chained to their seats. And Your Fellow Americans will applaud it. Because T*E*R*R*O*R.
"I would say Google is as close to a natural monopoly as the Bell System was in 1956. If you came to me and said 'Hey, I want to start a company to compete with Google in search,' I would say you're out of your mind and don't waste your energy or your time or your money, there's just no way. Classic economics would say that if there's a business in which there are 35 percent net margins, that would attract a huge amount of new capital to capture some of that, and none of that has happened. That tells you there's something wrong."
See? Didn’t mention the T-word once….