Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Our Wacky World—6/16/2015

Update to my previous post: Some Russian government types have been pwned by that satirical article.

'We already wrote this morning about the ridiculous claims by The Sunday Times that Snowden's documents had been either given to the Russians and Chinese or that they had cracked the encryption to get them… One of the links we pointed to was Glenn Greenwald himself challenging many of the claims in the Sunday Times
'Many people have been asking if the Sunday Times will say anything about the myriad problems with the article, and we now finally have a response. And it's...  to send a DMCA takedown notice to Greenwald's publisher'
Wankers. (TechDirt)

More info at The Register.

Not a wanker
"How did the gays and lesbians get us in such a lock-grip where we accept to whatever they do to us now as just another incremental destruction of our civilization? It started with the seat belt...”
Right Wing Watch

Sick of "the fags" "taking away" your “marriage" “rights"? Get a divorce, in Jesus’ name:
"The Christian couple have been happily married for over a decade, have no intention of separating and hope to have more children. ...in a novel protest against any successful move to legalise same sex-marriage in Australia, Mr Jensen wrote... that they are prepared to divorce.”

Here’s Nick’s original statement—I had trouble getting it to load but it’s an amusing read (hint: he’s a wanker)

Anyway, that’ll show ‘em. There is, however, one little snag in their highly-principled protest which they may not have considered:
“...to apply for divorce [in Australia] you have to prove that you have been separated for 12 months, and there is no reasonable likelihood of resuming married life. While you can live under the same roof and still be considered ‘separated’, you need to provide evidence that married life has broken down irreparably.

"Given that Nick and Sarah have as publicly as possible said they’re going to still refer to each other as ‘husband’ and ‘wife’, are going to try to have more children together and that for all intents and purposes, their lives will continue unchanged as a de facto couple, I’m pretty confident they have zero chance of getting a divorce."
Courier Mail

'In a February talk at the Montana Bible College about how to find "godly purpose" in work, Gianforte explained why retirement isn't consistent with biblical teachings. "There's nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it's been an accepted concept in our culture today"' 
'"The example I think of is Noah," he continued. "How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600. He wasn't like, cashing Social Security checks, he wasn't hanging out, he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical.”'
Hey, let’s play that “what does Leviticus say?” game one more time, shall we? Wanker. (Huffington Post)

Some good news—Purveyor of “Miracle Mineral Solution” (aka bleach) found guilty:
"According to the instructions for use that Smith provided with his product, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting were all signs that the miracle cure was working.”
Justice News

Meanwhile, in the U.K.:
"Police and trading standards have been alerted to the plans for a two-day ‘seminar’ organised by the Genesis II Church, which has been accused of claiming that its Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - banned by the Food Standards Agency - can cure diseases such as cancer, HIV and malaria."

'Undercover reporters infiltrated a meeting hosted by Mr Kishon in Sussex last month where he was filmed advising a cancer patient that his post-treatment check-ups were "unnecessary”.’
Get Surrey

Pregnant women with WIFI have priority
'Research involving a former brain-eating tribe from Papua New Guinea is helping scientists better understand so-called prion conditions such as Parkinson's disease and dementia. "This is a striking example of Darwinian evolution in humans, the epidemic of prion disease selecting a single genetic change that provided complete protection against an invariably fatal dementia"'

"Not all psychopaths are criminals. They are in business, government, academia and media. You'll find lots of these people, but they're not committing criminal acts. They will take advantage of people.”

Just experimenting on the troops, nothing to see here:
'...participants were provided eight shots of rum in 10 minutes. About an hour later, they were allegedly injected with ketamine. ...one intoxicated participant received a penile nerve block, a type of anesthesia... 
'"I have been working in trauma centers for 30 years and I have never done a penile nerve block," said Dr. Mark Brown, an emergency room physician in Lancaster, California. "And why would you ever mix alcohol and drugs? It's very puzzling.”'

"Two ultra-Orthodox Jewish schools have backed down on a proposed ban on mothers driving children to school after the Equality and Human Rights Commission warned them that it was unlawful and discriminatory.

Professional fake psychic James Van Praagh has a new old racket:
"In this once-in-a-lifetime online certification course, James shares the tools you need to deepen your gifts, become a clear channel for readings, and create a fulfilling, successful spiritual business. 
"Now's the time to finally become the masterful psychic or intuitive you've always dreamed of being - all from the comfort of your own home!"
Did you notice that he’s not actually in the lotus position? Hell, even I can do that. Wanker. (JVP School Of Mystical Arts)

English as a second language
Scott Walker, quite possibly America’s lamest governor (now that Sarah Palin is out of office):
"Governor Walker and his allies in the Madison statehouse have found one corporate sector where they’re willing to raise taxes: bicycles. Though they have beenhesitant to consider boosting taxes on gasoline or vehicle registration fees, state lawmakers have been pushing a $25 tax on the sale of all new bicycles in the state...”
Crooks & Liars

Meanwhile, the business-friendly paradise that is Wisconsin is dead last in creating new businesses. But there’s a silver lining in the cloud, and that’s the sweetheart Milwaukee stadium deal that Walker’s fellow conservatives are all… uh, well:
'Perhaps most mortifying for Walker is that the plan is being publicly panned by the Wisconsin chapter of Americans for Prosperity. It was AFP that came to Walker's aid when his anti-union legislation sparked massive rallies and protests in 2011 and again when Walker came close to being ousted from office in a recall effort. But Wisconsin's AFP chapter is vociferously dumping on the stadium deal. 
'"The current deal is based on fuzzy math, complicated accounting and millions of taxpayer dollars," AFP state director David Fladeboe said last week. "This proposal needs to be rejected and the people of Wisconsin need to be protected."'
Mother Jones

And then:
"The lawyer representing six protesters who won a combined $44,830 in damages from the State of Wisconsin earlier this week believes the total cost for unconstitutional arrests and fines handed out by Capitol Police since 2011 could ultimately run over $1 million."
Crooks & Liars

Walker turns up, having done something else stupid, virtually every day. He’s really on a roll. I’m sure the Koch bros. will pour millions into his (hopefully equally lame) presidential campaign. Wankers 2016!

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